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Monday, February 8, 2021

Conspiracy Luciferianism English



The conspiracy began on the first page of sacred scripture when Satan conspires to plunder the providential design of God's arrangement for the human race. Now conspiracy has a Latin source and it means in its original meanJ.ng "Spiro" I breath "Con" is the English transformation of "Cum" which means with. Now when you breathe with someone that means you are identified with them, you are close or in harmony but it means precisely one whispering to another with the volume of a breath only. So this is the furthest meaning of conspiracy. People one in mind and in heart, unified completely in harmony, having the same goal and objectives to accomplish that goal and doing all with the· utmost whispering. That means the utmost secrecy. The conspiracy is very old, it begins with time. It begins with the creation of the Angels.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Two Encyclicals for Modernists

It is upon two encyclicals, Providentissimus Deus by Leo XIII, Nov. 1893, and Divino Afflante Spiritu, by Pius XII, Sept. 30, 1943, that the modernists of these latter days seize most readily as offering some support for their cause which is utterly to discredit the words of Divine Revelation, especially applied to references touching the physical sciences.
In Denzinger the relevant numbers are D l947-l948 and D 2294.
Leo XIII lays it down as a rule “not to depart in the least from the literal and, as it were, plain sense, unless where reason forbids him to hold it or necessity compels him to abandon it.” He goes on to say that “the Church has received such a method of interpretation from the Apostles, and has approved of it by her own example, as is clear from the liturgy.”
Now Leo does not specify at all or give any particular examples in the passages held up by the modernists as granting some kind of sanction to heliocentrism. Neither geocentrism nor heliocentrism is mentioned in the encyclical.

The Fables of 2nd Timothy and 2nd Peter

Both St. Peter and St. Paul make a forceful distinction between fable or myth and the truth of sound doctrine revealed by “the power and presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:16)
St. Paul speaks of “a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but ... will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth ... unto fables.” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)
We are certainly living in those times. George A. Maloney, S.J., is an author very popular amongst religious who self-consciously pride themselves upon being “balanced” in this age of fundamentalist fanaticism. Here is whet Jesuit Maloney is telling his all too willing listeners:
We are in need of a new myth or story to guide us in our forward journey. We reject any literal interpretation of the story in the Book of Genesis that God created the entire universe in six days! (Mysticism and the New Age: Christic Consciousness in the New Creation. New York: Alba House, 1991, p. 42)

New Age Synthesis

In 1907 St. Pius X in his encyclical Pascendi described modernism as “the synthesis of all heresies.” Liberalism, although it came first chronologically, is the manifestation of modernism in the political sphere. Evolutionism (the modernist’s principle doctrine”) along with the 19th century’s idea of progress, is modernism’s manifestation in all the academic disciplines from biology to history, philosophy and theology. Therefore, the “synthesis of all heresies” includes liberalism and evolutionism. They are like two heads on a beast out of the Apocalypse.
Similarly, the current emergence of the New Age with all of its occult accessories, can he viewed as the fully ripened fruit of these earlier fleurs du mal. For, New Age thinking infects all of reality with its poison. It is a complete and thoroughly perverse world view.
How many times have we not all had the frustrating experience of being told, “Well, that’s your opinion” or “That’s just your interpretation” when what we have put forth is the plain, bold-faced TRUTH! Ah, but this is America where everyone has a “right” to their own opinion and Truth is really no different from Error because all things are equal, meaning equally subjective because no one has the “right” to claim any objective Truth since it always comes back, perversely, to “your opinion”.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Six Days of Creation

Allegorical Interpretations

It was not by accident that the allegorical exegesis of the creation account found its first development at Alexandria. The Jewish theologians who had flourished there favoured this type of interpretation. Philo (born c. 25 B.C.), in particular, interpreted the account of the creation of the world and of man as symbolic and figurative. He taught that creation was instantaneous and that the six days of Genesis were a device for expressing the perfection of order to be found in the universe. Undoubtedly influenced by Philo, Clement of Alexandria (c. 200) held that all things were produced simultaneously by God and that the distinction of days was not to be taken as marking a temporal succession, but rather as a method of exposition adapted to human intelligence to indicate various gradations in being. Origen likewise took up the theme of simultaneous creation, which was thenceforth to occupy the attention of many exegetes. It is noteworthy that Origen was born at Alexandria while Ptolemy was perhaps still living, and that he taught in a school that was guided by the thought of the great astronomer.
Origen wrote a commentary on Genesis, and from the fragments that survive, it appears that he understood the astronomy of his day quite well; because of the allegorical character of his teaching, however, it is difficult to know how he evaluated the Ptolemaic theories. Other Alexandrians worthy of mention include St. Athanasius (373), who held that all species had been created together and by the same command, and St. Cyril (444), who, while sympathetic to the methods of the school, was somewhat more reserved in his conclusions.

Thirty Theses against the Theistic Evolution

. . .based on the conviction that "Theistic Evolution" is heresy, debilitating the Church today and causing more harm ultimately than atheistic evolution because of its reduction of God to a mechanism for the supposed natural processes of evolution, its lack of reverence for Holy Scripture as the revealing Word of God, and its insidious attack upon Catholic doctrine and tradition. - December 1976 Dedicated to Mary Immaculate, the Woman of Genesis 3:15 Who Crushes the Serpent's Head and Destroys All Heresies Throughout the World. I cannot stress enough...the absolute necessity for a Catholic to understand, to know, what is meant by CATHOLIC FAITH. In order to have a deep love for this priceless possession, a Catholic must know what it is, and how it is different from any other Faith. We...read the warning of Pope St. Pius X: that the axe is being laid at the very root, that is to the Faith itself... (from F. Albers, The Hidden Schism, p.5, International Catholic Priests' Assoc., St. George's, Polegate, E. Sussex, BN26 5DG England) Now therefore fear the Lord, and serve Him in sincerity and in truth; put away the gods which your father served on the other side of the river and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if you are unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:14:15)

Proofs of the existence of God

1. INTRODUCTION Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), Italian Dominican priest, has been honored by the Church more than any other theologian in history. Canonized in 1323, he has since been acknowledged as the Angelic Doctor, both for the purity of his life and for his incomparable writings on the angels. He has been named the Common or Universal Doctor and Patron of all Catholic schools. And yet, because the Church is catholic, that is, universal, there can and do co-exist within it many schools of thought, all faithful to the same dogmas of revealed Faith. And so, it would be untrue to say that Thomism is the only representative of Catholic theology and philosophy. However, it may and can be held that the systematic theology of Saint Thomas represents the best, the highest, and the most comprehensive Catholic theology that exists. And because of the organic nature of truth, it may be predicted that time will reveal the pre-eminence of the Thomistic synthesis over all others. Most of the theologians of the Middle Ages held the existence of God to be self-evident. Now, self-evident facts can not be demonstrated. For example, I cannot demonstrate to anyone the fact of my own existence or the existence of that tree out there. Nor can it be demonstrated that a thing can not be and be at the same time. These facts must be accepted as given or else denied as given. But Saint Anselm and before him Saint Augustine claimed to demonstrate God's existence by reason, even though they held it to be self-evident. How can this be?