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Monday, February 8, 2021

Conspiracy Luciferianism English



The conspiracy began on the first page of sacred scripture when Satan conspires to plunder the providential design of God's arrangement for the human race. Now conspiracy has a Latin source and it means in its original meanJ.ng "Spiro" I breath "Con" is the English transformation of "Cum" which means with. Now when you breathe with someone that means you are identified with them, you are close or in harmony but it means precisely one whispering to another with the volume of a breath only. So this is the furthest meaning of conspiracy. People one in mind and in heart, unified completely in harmony, having the same goal and objectives to accomplish that goal and doing all with the· utmost whispering. That means the utmost secrecy. The conspiracy is very old, it begins with time. It begins with the creation of the Angels.

Now the Angels unlike human beings, had freedom in the past tense, they do not have freedom today. God created them as pure spirits and unlike us, we who call ourselves humans, we exercise freedom from the very first moment of reason until that moment when God calls us for eternal judgement. But the Angels by their nature are so constituted by Almighty God that once and forever unalterably they will fiercely submit to the will of God or resist. Now you and I can resist the will of God by opposing our will to his and the Angels had that same freedom. But because we are so frail, God permits us, should we fail, to rise again in repentance, and again and again for a lifetime. Not so with Angels. By their total knowledge, by the perfection of their awareness; and by that unrelenting fierceness of that yes to God or no, they were fixed to never change again according to their very nature. Now there was a heresy and it has come up from time to time, there was a heresy in the infant church, Origen taught, that when it was all over and there is no more sun, moon, or stars, or dogs, or earth, or buttercups, just God and eternity, then he will quench hell and remove all the damned and they shall finally come to God. Not so, because it is the nature for the Angels to will forever what it first wills, and to take a position forever, and that is its nature. And as I was telling the nuns the other day, it is the nature of water to be wet, and if you change the nature of water, and you cannot, then it would not be water. If you change the nature of fire, which is to burn, and turn it into dry dust, it would not be fire. Not even God can change Hell. It is eternal. And those creatures who have fallen into Hell had an unalterably fixed purpose of will, to resist Three Divine Persons forever. Now mind you they are creatures and only creatures, and they have no power, save the power that God initially gave them, and if they are able to resist God like I told the nuns, as much as a puff of smoke can keep me from walking through that door, no more could that puff of smoke blow me back, than Angels can resist God. But he permits them to oppose their wills to his, and theirs is an unalterably hateful will of detestation. It is their purpose to abominate God forever, and if he wills, to plunder the providential design for all. The centuries that God shall give to the world. That is the will of the rebel. If a human being loses his immortal soul and goes to Hell, they are called the damned. If an Angel falls from Heaven he is called a demon. A damned is not a demon but both are damned. Damned are the human beings and demons are the fallen Angels. And we pray at the end of the Low Mass, "to cast into Hell Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl the face of the world, seeking the damnation of souls." The demons are damned, they are buried in Hell. But God has a will, one will, but because we have feeble minds, we have to think of in various lights. God has a providential will, He governs the universe. God has a prohibitive will, .thou shalt not. God has an affirmative will, thou shall. God has a permissive will, He does not will it but He permits it, He tolerates it, so that from it he may draw good. Now we go back to the beginning of the Angels. When the Angels came into existence remember there was God alone, there were no creatures. The first creatures called into existence were Angels, and God having called them into existence had nine levels of existence, and one level was superior to the other levels. The lowest level of existence was called Angelic. The second level was the level of the Archangels, and then you go up to the Dominations and Powers, you go up to the Dominions, Thrones, and Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim. Now that was the nine levels of existence and here is the difference between them. In the world that we call the world of earth, sun, moon, and stars, water, birds, in this world all about us there are levels of existence and one superior to the other. Now in this world there is existence called matter, it has no life but it is real, it is substantial, and it can be perceived by our senses. Superior to that level we have the level of life. The lowest form of life is the vegetative stage. Now a blade of grass is superior to dust, to coal, to diamonds, to granite, because the lowest form of life, pure matter, cannot live, cannot grow, cannot reproduce itself, but a blade of grass therefore is superior to diamonds because it has life and the diamond has not. Superior to the blade of grass or tomato is a flea or a giraffe, because it not only has life, growth, reproduction, but it has locomotion, it can go from place to place. And superior to the animal kingdom is the rational kingdom of the human being, who not only has materiality, not only a vegetative existence, not only has animal capacity, but has rational life, has the ability to know an end to which it can work, has the ability to choose the means to accomplish that end, and in the supernatural order, has the ability to know, love, and serve God. Now just as man is superior to everything in the universe, remember he is just a stage in the entire hierarchy of existence. Just as he is superior to a horse and the horse is superior to a pear and the pear is superior to an emerald, just as there is a great gap between those four levels of existence. So between Angels, Archangels, Dominations, Powers. Dominions, Thrones, Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim, there exists the same distinctive separation. At that height, the very highest point in all created existence, lived the Seraphim. In the supreme seraphic intelligence created by God, the greatest creature in the whole universe, except for the Blessed Virgin Mary, was Lucifer. We cry out in prayer, "eternal rest grant unto them 0 Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them". He was the light bearer, this was his name, this was his nature. Looking from the very highest point in the pyramid of all existence, down through all nine levels, down to the human level, far, far beneath, consumed with satisfaction because of his beauty and perfection and power and glory, and intoxicated by his inconceivable ability, and unimaginable excellence, the temptation came to him in one instant, and he cried "NON SERVUAL" I will not submit. He will not acknowledge that there was a being, a Creator above him. His temptation we are told by Divine Revelation was to be like unto the Most High. That was his temptation to be as God, and with him instantly there sided one third of the entire choir of the Angelic host. They were plunged in that instant into the Hell which was created for them forever. But by the permissive will of God, once human life appeared on earth, he the adversary of God "I will not submit" the rebel by that fierce never changing will act, is permitted by God to oppose the will of God found in the providential design for the human race. Therefore when Adam and Eve are called into existence the conspiracy begins. With that first moment, under the appearance of serpents (of a serpent's nature) hissing forth his words, Eve is enticed to step into an area which is forbidden by Almighty God, an area of pride and disobedience simultaneously present, with Adam accompanying her, the first two human beings perfect in their creation, are separated from Almighty God in the instant that they consent to the temptation, which was the same temptation that he had because, you see, only God is original. And so the Devil "Lucifer" now called Satan because that is Greek and it means the adversary, Satan had, remember, only one temptation to offer, the one that he knew from experience would work because it worked for him and consider his brilliance in comparison to frail mortals treading this earth. His temptation was to be like unto the Most High. Therefore, incapable of being anything but an imitator of Almighty God he tells them that what worked for him was theirs. He said "eat ye the tree, the fruit of knowledge, ye shall know good for evil, and YE SHALL BE AS GODS". It worked and they fell and that is the driving force since the beginning of time for the conspiracy, the attempt of human beings prompted by powers from Hell to be as Gods. The philosophy of today called humanism which is moving across the face of the earth like a prairie fire under a gale wind, that philosophy today is a philosophy of humanism. The complete exclusion of God from the universe and the complete dominance of man over all creation. Same old temptation, "ye shall be as Gods". Man has never forgotten that, and the elite masters of the world, the Luciferians, who are attempting to create one world of which they shall have mastery, that is the continual bait that they place before all of the initiates that enter into their secret apparatus of power, "to make a world without God where they can be Gods. Adam and Eve having fallen, their nature being wounded by original sin, there is present, that moment onward, ·the consequences of original sin. Every child born into this world must be baptized if the child is to arrive at that level of supernatural life, because the child is conceived in original sin and born with the consequences of original sin in the soul, a darken mind and a weaken will, and a capacity to do evil. Even while it has a hunger for Almighty God, because it has so recently come from the hands of God. It is our nature to go home. Now the Devil remember, seeking to be as God, that was his temptation, to be like unto the Most High, with no originality is the ape of God in that he imitates all that God ever did. If God has a kingdom, then he will have a kingdom. If God has a mystical body on earth, he will have a small blasphemous parody of the mystical body, and his will be-the mystical body of Satan. And if God has a church with a hierarchy, and if God has a church with religious orders, then he will have his hierarchy, and he will have his religious orders of Satanist. And if God receives worship, he will receive worship. And if God touches the things of this world and makes them sacraments and sacramentals, then he will touch the things of this world and make them sacraments for Hell and sacramentals for Hell. And if the sacramentals of this world give us indulgences and give us grace, if the sacraments give us divine life, and 'even give us God himself then he shall attempt in this world to ape God and give possession of himself, Satan and his Demons to human beings too_ Anything that God has done he will attempt to do, and he does do. Therefore. When God touches wheat, and when God touches grapes, blessed and consecrated, transubstantiated, human beings receive Three Divine Persons in their immortal soul. And if God touches salt, and if God touches olive oil, and if God touches in other words the material things of this world and blesses them and they become sacramentals, then the demon does the same. So when God touches two bodies and institutes the sacrament of marriage, the Devil touches two bodies and institutes the mortal sin of lust. And if God touches the grape and it becomes the transubstantiated wine, the precious blood of Jesus Christ, then Satan touches the same grape and we have the vice of alcoholism, and so on the parallel goes to the entire kingdom. The kingdom of Satan on earth versus the kingdom of Christ, and the mystical body of Christ rent and whipped and torn by the mystical body of Satan. That is the story of the human race from the first day until today, and whoever the historian be, however gifted and however honest, he defrauds you if he attempts to give in time sequence the story of the human race without telling you about the fall, the adversary, and the invisible but real struggle between the forces of evil and the forces of good. That is the history of the reign of Christ ever since the coming of Christ, and that is the history of the reign of God's people on earth before the coming of Christ. If you give me a little time now, I will go into that. When Adam and Eve are banished from the garden, when Adam and Eves posterity are born, remember they are born into the world unlike Adam and unlike Eve, both Adam and Eve having been formed by God directly, Eve from the side of Adam, and Adam from the very earth itself, all children therefore begotten thereafter bear a wounded, fallen human nature, and with the coming of Jesus Christ and with redemption and salvation, we who have followed Christ bear a wounded, fallen, but redeemed human nature. Prior to the coming of Christ, the earth had sinful h beings, and all over this world there is a population with a darkened mind, a weakened will and a capacity for sin. And the consequences of original sin were terrible. There were no tabernacles then with the Eucharistic presence. There is no Blessed Mother of God interceding. There are just benighted human beings, and if we have paganism in the world today, we cannot even begin to conceive what was the world like before Jesus Christ came into the human mind and then stepped upon this earth and blessed this universe by his presence, and then he remained tabernacled upon the altar, and then entered into human beings and sanctified them. We live in a world so far removed from the world that existed before the coming of Christ that even with imagination we cannot quite conceive how terrible must that world have been. The despair must have been staggering. This is a world, therefore of darkness, impenetrable gloom. This is a world of great fear, and this is a world where might was right, and this is a world where children have no rights. Where an enormous portion of the whole world is called barbaric and children are not even fed. This is a world where women are not even considered human beings, don't doubt that for a minute. The highest advance in human civilization before Christ and his blessed Mother elevated womankind, the highest advance was found in Israel, where the Rabbi prayed every single day, "I thank thee 0 my God that I am not a pagan, I thank thee 0 my God that I am not a woman". That was the highest level that womankind had reached in that world. It was a world of power. It was a world of superstition, and it was a world where the weaklings were put out of existence either because they died of neglect or they were simply killed. Killed for sport. That was the world of the prince of darkness. Jesus Christ did call Satan "prince of this world". In some mysterious fashion while this is God's world, God permits the fallen Lucifer (Satan) to be called correctly "the prince of darkness" yes, but the "PRINCE OF THIS WORLD". Therefore he has been permitted to have titanic power, and he wielded that power unmercifully against a detestable human race, which after his fall was created by Christ, and after he succeeded in plundering the providential design for the human race, that same accursed human race was pledged a redeemer who would elevate them to supernatural life, and the gates of heaven would be open once again, and these worms, (remember he's a fallen Seraphim) these inconsequential mites would one day have the Heaven that was to have been his through all eternity. His jealous hatred of us is beyond our conception. So what he did before the corning of Christ in the human race is frightening. Where in the world, the flood had come and the flood had past and the world is once again being peopled. Remember the children of Adam, tragedy almost immediately of a brother killing a brother, and God repents, we are told in sacred scripture (that is just a human expression) repents having created the human race so detestable, on sins so multitudinous, the great tidal waves of evil that wash across the face of the world, God blots it out in the flood and begins again. A seeming triumph for the prince of darkness. I mention it to you so that you might understand how terrible is his power, and how monstrous was his hatred of Three Divine Persons, then of human beings. And the world being-peopled again, we have a world of terrible despair and of terrible superstition. Now these people are ignorant. There is found on the face of the earth only one people who believe in the one true God, the people of Israel. They alone believe. They alone are loyal to that concept of a supreme creator, a judge, Jehovah is the name they use for him. Every other nation on the face of the earth, every empire, Hittite and Samaria, Assyrian, Babylonian, every empire, India, China, whatever the region, Egypt, all across North Africa, where ever there is found a civilized capacity for life, however advanced the pagan empire, it's still a civilization of profound despair and great suffering on behalf of all who are not mighty, for in those civilizations might indeed is right. There is no concept in the mind of a single mortal of charity. There is no word in the vocabulary for charity. There is only the most meager concept of justice in those early pagan civilizations. Therefore in all the superstition and terror and suffering of time, when lightning struck a tree it was a power. Sometimes the tree split, sometimes the tree burst into flames. When earthquakes shook the mountains and boulders tumbled down in avalanche, when floods surged across the valleys and plains, people understood there are powers beyond the control of man, spirits dark and evil. And when the crop was superabundantly rich, and when the rain came just in time, and when the rain did not destroy the grapes, and when the rain did not beat flat the fields, they realized that there were some powers in this world like the sun and fertility and rain which was good, a good power, spirits. And therefore to placate the evil spirits and not anger them, they offered sacrifice to the evil spirits, and that they might continue to receive goodness from the good spirits, they offered sacrifice to the good spirits, and in the passing of time they begin to worship as God, lightning, the moon, the sun particularly, and they began to make statues for these forces that they feared but could not see. Devil worship had begun. The Devil, in his detestation of the human beings, and he always remembers the temptation, to be like unto the Most High, he wished to be God, he received therefore what God should receive, worship. If God sought worship from his creatures, then Lucifer (Satan) would do the same, and he received it. Then-men began to perceive that with a performance of certain particularly horrendous acts of evil, sometimes demons actually visibly appear, and by accident men begin to discover, one man here and one man there, that by the performance of something particularly evil, that by a deliberate effort to call an evil spirit, one was summoned. Naturally when a man knew he had the power to call a demon, and the demon would come at his bidding, he was a man of frightful power. He was more than a witch doctor. He was a high priest, and that's the only act that he knew, and that was the only invocation he knew that was successful that would raise a demon, and the demon would appear in power before him and would perform some work that was requested. And in the passing of that man's years as he grew older, he confided that secret to his eldest son and to no one else. Every chieftain in the area feared him. He was rich, he was powerful, and no one dared cross him, not even the king. He was a high priest. He had a forbidden strange power, he kept it in the family. In the passing of time his son's sons received this power. Then they in the passing (remember) of generations heard of another high priest who really had the same power but he got a different kind of demon. So the two men came together and said, two heads are better than one and double our power, how about it? So one gave the other his secret, and they kept the secret. Now they had two demons, and in the passing of generations they had sixty demons, and there was a small cult of priests who had a secret. Now we know it's so. that they came at the invocation of men, because we know that a rod, a rod of wood the rod of Aaron, was actually turned into a serpent and it slithered across Pharaoh's court, and Moses was required to perform a greater miracle to show the Pharaoh that his God, the God of Israel, was omnipotent. Now these societies of priests kept this information to themselves and grew in power until finally we have a serpent worshipping civilization, the civilization of Egypt. We have a civilization based purely on Satanism, the Babylonian civilization, where a pyramid many stories high was built with an enormous mouth into which not wood but babies were fed as an act of sacrifice to the demon world. The high priests of Egypt had extraordinary satanic power. The secrets of their power have been kept in secret societies. This is the beginning of secret society. The society, the civilization that more than any, developed numbers of high priests, and therefore numbers of secret societies, was the society of Chaldea. And all of that secrecy was one day incorporated into one book. Now you understand it had no cover that just means it was committed to writing that means it was pressed in cuneiform figuration into tablets and the tablets were hidden, and no one under pain of death might ever see those tablets, but it was put into writing, and that book was called the Zohar or today the Kabala. And those who understand the secrets of the Kabala are Kabalists. And all of the members of the conspiracy operating in the 20th century today, either directly or indirectly are associated with Kabbalists or are Kabbalists themselves. That means to say they are directly the agents of Satan in the world. They know so and they wish it to be so. The Kabbalists controlled the Babylonian empire through the passing of time. The original decedents of Adam and Eve, in the passing of time surviving the flood and then continuing on up from Noah, here is that long history of the Patriarchs. The Patriarchs were the good men, extraordinarily good men, holy men of Israel, who without any of the benefits that we have, nevertheless, remain true and loyal, unshakably so, to the God Jehovah, and loved Him, and suffered greatly, but never once apostatized from Him, and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob protected his people. For to them alone (Israel) had He given the knowledge of Himself, and they were protected, and now they as a people apostatized continually and zigged and zagged toward Him and away from Him century by century by century. Now their history is a blotted history of treachery and then repentance, and then treachery and then repentance, nevertheless, there was always a small hard core of very loyal believers in the God Jehovah. Therefore, when Israel is conquered, and conquered it had to be, it is taken into exile into Babylon where Kabbalism, the Kabala is the religious book, is the religious service of the state (Devil worship), and there for five hundred years the children of Israel lived. Naturally the apostasy from the belief in the one true God is enormous. But despite that fact, for five hundred years a small number still remain true to the God Jehovah. 'Now I tell you that Israel had to fall. If you know your geography, you know that Israel, today called Palestine, is on the crossroads between two continents, Asia and Africa, and every invading force that moved from the Asiatic tundra across the steppes and down toward Africa, leaving behind the frigid north and moving toward the grasslands, if they attempted to bridge Africa, had to go down through Asia Minor, that is through the far east, that is to say, through Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, today's Palestine, across the Arabian desert and across Sinai into Africa. Vice versa, every invading force that ever passed northward with the hope of gain, for example the Pharaoh's armies, always had to pass over that bridge. Palestine was the bridge. Israel is the bridge. Therefore, theirs is a history of continual invasion, continual battles and continual defeats and captivity. The enormous captivity of Babylon lasted five hundred years. At the end of that time there comes back into that region, which we call today the Holy Land, there comes back the small loyal band of those who believe in the God Jehovah/ and there comes back the apostates/ Kabbalists, Diabolists/ Devil worshippers, call them what you will. And having come back, they are separated one from the other. And they who are loyal and true remain in a section which we today call Judea. To the far north is a region called Galilee, in between is a region we call Samaria. Some of the ~eal Israelites settle in Galilee/ but the great proportion of that small number settle in the area in and around Jerusalem (The city of peace). lmd the apostates being outcasts, not permitted to have anything to do with these loyal worshippers of Jehovah, settle in an area called Samaria. And here you have a triple divided geographic region called a kingdom, the kingdom of Israel. There are two parties found in the real believers in the God Jehovah, the party of the Sadducee and the party of the Pharisee. The party of the Pharisee are the religious purist, that is to_ say, they know what has happened in Babylon, they know what has happened for centuries, they know their sacred scripture and they wish to keep intact without a single addition or a single omission, without any other possible, all of the Divine revelation given by the God Jehovah to them, the chosen people, and they are called the purist which means the Pharisee.

The Pharisees are the defenders of the Jewish religion. The Sadducees are the liberals of the time. The Sadducees say, there is room for human interpretation of the sacred scripture, and there's no such thing as Angels, and let's forget about an afterlife. And both parties, while they are religious, are also political. But unknown to all of the Pharisees the few important leaders of the Pharisaic party are Babylonians, that is to say, they are Kabbalists, that is to say, they are Luciferians, they are Devil worshippers. And they remain at the very top of that organization, and they continually take the best lads from Israel and give them a most thorough education in sacred scripture and in the traditions of their people. And in these pure idealists, who are afire with a love for God's spoken word, decade after decade, fasted and prayed and do so with sincerity and in much personal severity, while the top of their organization, there imminent but betrayed young men are used by the few officers at the head of that organization called Pharisaic, and this if you understand is a sufficient explanation for the fury of our Blessed Saviour when He calls the Pharisees a brood of vipers, whitened sepulchers, and castigates them in words that the Divine Redeemer did not use for any other persons or institutions or groups on the face of the earth. It was not so much castigating the young and subjectively sincere members who thought they were preserving the religion of Israel, He was talking about the blind leaders leading the blind into the pit. The old Pharisees are told when the great healer from Nazareth appears, this man is terrible danger to Israel. And they understand that He has to be because number one He says He is the Son of God. You realize for centuries and centuries the Israelites, despite all of their sufferings, have always been told the belief in the one true God, and all around them is a pagan world, superstitious and a multiplication of Gods. A worship of the earthquake, a worship of the thunderstorm, a worship of the tree that was once struck by lightning, a worship of a fountain of water that came out of the earth one day where once there had been no water. The Israelites understood the blindness and the superstition of the pagans and they abhorred them and dreaded such superstition, and for centuries they have protected their belief in the One True God and now here is someone who says "I am the Son of God" here is someone who says "there are three Divine Persons in One Divine Nature." He blasphemeth! So the entire Pharisaic body, be subjectively sincere, abominate Christ and attempt to bring to pass his destruction (his death), and the secret leadership at the top, knowing full well what they are about, seek to bring to pass his death. All the while, remember, as we talk about human beings we are talking about the mystical body of Satan, we are talking about the adversary, who sought the death of Christ, who sought to remove from his kingdom of darkness this burning light, who said I am the way and the truth and the light. When Christ is finally brought to Calvary and brought to his death the veil in the temple is rent, in signification when that abiding presence of God "Jehovah" that had been with the Israelites for all of those centuries is now gone. When the veil of the temple was rent that Good Friday afternoon it was the end of the Old Testament that means the end of the old promise, the old agreement, the old covenant between God and Israel. The presence of God is gone. This dismayed them who had believed in the God Jehovah. And in fulfillment of the prophesy of Christ, (remember who had died at the age of 33) at 70 AD Titus, the Roman general, encircles Jerusalem, the siege lasts three years, at the end of that time Jerusalem is destroyed, not a stone is left upon a stone, even salt is planted in the fields so that not even grass will rise, therefore, the birds in the air will abandon the area and not an animal will survive, AND THE TEMPLE IS GONE! It is now impossible for any Jew to believe in the presence of God. No child of Israel can now believe in the temple for there is none. There is no altar of sacrifice, there is no sacrifice, there is no high priesthood. All they have left is the shell of their religion and nothing more, which is called sacred scripture, the Old Testament or the word of God.

Our Blessed Saviour having been put to death, (that is to say, having permitted Himself to die for the redemption of souls) remember, that instant the whole world is transformed. Remember the whole was invigorated and brightened at the instant of the incarnation, and then at the Nativity, and then as the Christ Child passed into manhood it was God Himself Who walked the village streets. Therefore, the power of the Devil was waiting and waiting until that Good Friday afternoon when he suffers his most catastrophic reversal, not even his intellect could conceive a more catastrophic reversal, for even in his greatest moment of triumph, when he got just what he wanted, redemption comes to the human race and salvation to all who will have it. In 70 AD the Jewish people, that is the people of Israel are scattered. The infant church has been born. The infant church is miraculously seeded throughout the middle east, passes into the Italian Peninsula and is already moving toward Spain and all through what we call today Asia Minor (Greece and Turkey, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, and Romania). All of the eastern portion of the Mediterranean called today the Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, Iraq) that entire strip all the way down to Egypt is becoming small but inexorably Catholic, Roman Catholic. And those people who have survived the fall of Jerusalem, having been scattered all over the world, taken away by the armies of Titus as slaves, as soldiers, they having been scattered find that the largest numbers of them that have survived in all of Rome, some in Damascus, some in Antioch, but the greatest number in Alexandria in Egypt. They are very far apart one from another and they have no religion, no temple, no priesthood, no altar of sacrifice, save the word of God which is terribly precious to them. And their commentators begin commentation, that is to say the liberals, and they worked very quickly and with great patience, to slowly make commentaries on every line. And the interpretations in turn are interpreted, and the second interpretation is then interpreted a third time, and gloss has been placed upon gloss until the fourth century all of the interpretations of human minds saying now this is what God said, but this is what He meant, all of this is put together in one book, and this book becomes known as the Talmud. Now when we say one book I don't mean a cover with pages in between, I mean volumes and volumes are called a book. And the Talmud, the work of men's minds, the work of an evil spirit guiding the men, who wished to do harm because they were the Pharisaic continuers of that work of Pharisaism called Kabalism, those men who wished to defraud sincere human beings, those men triumphed and the Talmud replaces the Old Testament, as it has to this very day. The Talmud is the most precious of the treasures found in the synagogue or temple today.

And we go back to the infant church. The infant church, spreading rapidly through the Middle East and around the Mediterranean basin, remember, is a church which is antagonistic to every member of Israel. Every member of Israel must hate it because it says "there are three Divine Persons in One God, one Divine Nature one God with three Divine Persons, Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, true God and true man, brought to his death when the high priesthood and the Pharisaic party turned against him and gave him to the Roman authorities for his execution". Everywhere this church is found, efforts are made by the Israelites to do harm to this church. They are very scattered, they're very limited in number, there's not too much that they can do. However, by the fourth century, they who have been scattered in 70 AD are now in charge of the world's slave trade, and of the slaves that serve the Roman empire are handled by these men of power and men now of great money. So powerful so they become that with the passing of time some of them actually become the Roman emperors. Naturally persecution under those emperors is frightening. Not only because a pagan people wish to do great harm to this cult called Christianity, but also because the Emperor himself has a special detestation of those who call themselves the believers and defenders and the lovers of Christ, who in as much are despised and cursed in Israel. The infant church, therefore, since these people are scattered and cannot do to much harm to it but wish to do much harm (remember, St. Paul is continually talking about the Judaizing elements) these people enter the church as converts, remaining secretly unchanged in heart and-soul, and they attempt, to do great harm by either beginning to teach heresy or when heresy rises, openly supporting it or secretly trying to finance it. The first heresies are succeeded by the second and the third and the fourth so that by the fourth century there are two heresies that you should know about. Arianism, the most powerful heresy the world has ever known until Modernism far outstripped Arianism. Arianism denies the divinity of Jesus Christ. Now the greatest orientalist in the English speaking world was Cardinal Newman, who died in the last century, and Cardinal Newman, a convert from the Anglican Church, in his research was able to establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that Israel was behind this effort to deny successfully the divinity of Jesus Christ. He raised the charge and offers the proof in a four volume work called "The Arians''. There had been a second heresy, there were many, but I'm only speaking of two, there had been a second heresy that existed before Arianism called Gnosticism, Gnosticism is a religion of the secret elect. They who know what no mortal knows and, therefore, who have a power that no one else has. The Gnostics have never been quenched and today we call them the Illuminist, and they are with us to this day. Gnosticism says, there is a secret wisdom know only to the few, and if you come into this religion and you are judged a capable adept, then you are initiated and gradually brought along and given knowledge of a strange power that are meant to be had for the asking, once the key is given. If you've seen, under the ads of the Rosicrucians in the magazines, you know they talk about receiving a secret power and a cosmic power or somewhat. The Gnostics at that time were largely the Judaizing element. The Roman Empire is in existence at the very height of its power shortly after the death of our Blessed Saviour. The Roman Empire goes into decline and great barbarian hoards come out of Asia, and as they smash across the steppes they hit other barbarians who are incapable of standing against them. So as the Huns pour out of Tartary and hit the Turkistan steppes they move the Visigoths, who in turn hit the Ostragoths, who in turn hit the Vandals, and so all the way across Europe like billiard balls the ricochet continues. So by the time the Huns reach the northern Italian peninsula and split in two, one column heads for Paris, there is no Paris but they head for that region, and while the other Hun column goes down the Italian peninsula, already Rome has been sacked three times by Ostragoths, Visigoths, and Vandals. 475 Rome falls, and with Rome falling civilization crumbles except for the fact all of the empire that was civilized has become Roman Catholic. The barbarian is transformed in the passing of time by baptism, and by the teachings of Jesus Christ, he's transformed into a civilized human being. In the seventh century, out of North Africa comes another barbarian hoard, this time of religious fanaticism called Mohammedanism. The infant Church is internally scourged by heresy. The political structure of the times is crushed under one reeling blow after another because of the Mohammedan wars, which is secretly financed by the slave merchants of their one time empire, the enemies of Jesus Christ. In the passing of time, because of their military success, all of the Holy Lands are lost. The onetime barbarians of Europe, having been civilized and elevated by the Church through baptism, now as Roman Catholic Kings, now as Roman Catholic Princes, these men of the west heeding the request of the pope, send military forces called the crusades to deliver' the Holy Lands. And the first crusade is almost glorious, the second crusade is shabby, the third and fourth and fifth are scandalous. However there is a failure to wrest the Holy Lands from the infidel hands of the Mohammedans. But there was created in that effort, knights who vowed that they would stay, and they would live a life according to the three vows of a monk, that they would stay for the defense of all Christian pilgrims who would ever attempt to go to the Holy Land, and they would call themselves Knight Templars. That organization of the defenders of the Holy Landis penetrated by the members of the secret Pharisaic organizations, and that Knight Templar society becomes the first positively easily identified secret society of Masonry in the world. The secret societies in the centuries that follow begin to multiply. They take the innocent name of Freemasonry in 1717 in England. But prior to this, Masonry exists on the continent, for example, in the fifteenth century even before the' protestant revolution, and remember, I'd said Freemasonry officially began in England in 1717, in the fifteenth century a degenerate vicious man by the name of Larius Suicinius and his nephew Faustus Suicinius begin a society called the Unitarians. And our Unitarian religions found across the world, but very strong in the United States of America, took rise in that very period from the attempt of their two men. Both atheists, both members of secret societies, and both deniers in the divinity of Jesus Christ. And so successful was their effort, it has never died. Unitarianism is a powerful religion in the world today. Unitarianism, denying the existence of Christ is one of the strongholds of liberalism. Liberalism is an amalgam of all the false philosophies and the past heresies inspired by the Devil in his mystical efforts to destroy the mystical body of Jesus Christ. And he has given to his agents on earth the capacity to put together philosophic streams and turn out a body of thought called liberalism which is capable of rendering the human mind to a state of confusion, whereby it is not possible to believe that things endure forever. One becomes convinced that nothing lasts and everything passes and that contradictions can be explained, and that which was square yesterday could be round tomorrow. This horrible liberalism prepares the minds of human beings for all the heresy, for all the apostasy, and for all manners of viciousness. It is long in preparation but it came from the lodges of Masonry, and in turn came from the mind of the agents of the Pharisees. It is inspired in Hell and the people of the conspiracy are moved by Hell. St. Paul says "The charity of Christ impels me, moves me, and determines me." Well the spirit from Hell determines, moves urges guides them, illuminates them, and directs them. That is the whole conspiracy right down to today. There are additional stories and details to be given but I have simply pointed out to you, the conspiracy is from Hell. Satan is the mind that guides it and directs it. He has agents on earth who are human beings who are possessed by him, used as his instruments, and they are given superhuman light of the mind so they are able to do incredible feats when it comes to attacking the defenders of the Church, the defenders of the faith, and the lovers of Jesus Christ. They have done extraordinary things, but their success in this century is not explained by the genius of the human mind, it is understood and explained only by the power of the Devil. And in. that year was created the Federal Reserve which took away the coinage control from the Congress of the United States of America and placed in the hands of the International Bankers of the world. Who of course are the invisible secret illuminist, the Kabbalists, the Luciferians, not they alone but they are the principle people. That is the conspiracy in a very rough outline and I've emphasized the first part of it very heavily because you hear a lot about the political side of it, but the political side of it is just the surface. The heart and the soul, the drive and the strength of the conspiracy is your understanding of the concept of Satan, Satanism, secret societies, heresies, and the hatred that the world bears for Jesus Christ and his Mystical Bride, called The One True Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. This battle shall go on till the end of time, you see it started with the beginning of time, and it shall go on till the end of time. And he who calls himself the adversary of Christ, and who brought him that afternoon (through the permissive will of God) to that terrible death on Cal vary, is again this time bringing not the physical but the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ to that same kind of terrible torment. And he does it through human agencies. And as he said, if we have religious congregations, and if we have a priesthood, and if we have a sisterhood and a brotherhood, and if we have a hierarchy, so to is the Mystical Body of Christ. And the political agents that we may know of, who have been traitors to the Saints through all the centuries down to today, they have always belonged to 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,20,50, secret societies. If you know anything about Grand Oriental Freemasonry, you know that it is distinctively different from the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite found here in the United States of America. Which, of course is very different from the York Rite, which in turn, is very different from the Blue Lodge. If you go into Masonry in the United State of America, you go from there to the next seven degrees in the York Rite, still harmless. As you go higher into the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, you begin to perceive the religiousness of the service, the thrust of naturalism against supernaturalism, and if you have a perceptive mind you begin to see that it is profoundly anti-Catholic, but it is a gentle lamb in comparison to the Grand Orient which is very strong in the continent of Europe, in South America, and in Asia. So beyond the 33rd degrees of Masonry as such there are the secret societies that go as high as 95 degrees and 93 degrees, the rite of--------------------, and the rite of Memphis. They are all Luciferians that is what it is all about my dear friends. The efforts against the Innocent Lamb of God. The efforts that began on the first pages of Genesis when the adversary against the Three Divine Persons pledged himself forever to undo the' work of that providential design for the human race. Whenever you hear the word conspiracy, try to shut off your mind and do not think in terms of Communism, do not think in terms of political of economic forces, do not think in terms of Ideology, think in terms rather in the spiritual, the prince of this world attempting to rend unto death the Roman Catholic Church. That is what it is all about. For example, Frederick Engles and Karl Marx were both 32nd degree Masons-and they called each other comrade. It is all part of the apparatus. Had there been no Masonry, there could not possibly have been communism. Communism is just an instrument of the illuministic interior. And the illuministic interior was created by the Kabbalists (the descendants of the Pharisees) who in turn were descendants of those terrible Kabbalists before the coming of Phariseeism and so we trace everything all the way back to the serpent who hissed to Eve and to Adam in the garden.

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